Experienced pastors.

Contemporary realities.

Actionable insights.

Keeping you current.


A personal message from Executive Director John Wesley Yoder


About our Executive Director

May I speak with you, pastor to pastor?  I love talking to pastors.  For 20 years I’ve been talking to pastors across North America and Asia.  Your zeal for Christ inspires me.


You know too well the decline of the North American church.  Those of you who pastor first-generation immigrant churches know that most of your children are bored by your services and don’t stay as adults.  Many of your churches last for only one generation.


I want all of you to succeed.  I want you, your people and your church to thrive well into the future.

That’s going to require learning some new things.  It’s a major task just to know what those things are.  I want to make that process as simple as possible.

Most of you are practitioners, not academics.  Because of this, we keep our resources brief, easily digestible and immediately applicable.


Many of you are overworked.  You don’t need the responsibility of running one more program.  That’s why we’ve created our webpage for all believers to equip your core leaders for cross-cultural ministry.


You are a highly diverse group. We serve 3 kinds of pastors:

  • Those who have lived in the U.S. for one generation

  • Those who have lived in the U.S. for two generations

  • Those who have lived in the U.S. for multiple generations

Each group has its unique needs, and each struggles to understand the other two groups.  Our resources are designed by and for all three groups.  Understanding one another will gradually unfold as you follow our resources.

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Directories of immigrant ministry agencies

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About our Executive Director 


John Wesley Yoder has pastored churches in Bloomington, Minnesota and Beijing, China. 


He founded Immigrant Ministry Connections in 2019 to equip pastors for effective ministry in America’s increasingly multicultural environment. 


He has worshipped in over 80 diverse immigrant congregations in the Minneapolis area and consulted with hundreds of pastors across North America. 


John is an ordained minister of the Evangelical Free Church of America, a graduate of Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary, and has been married to Sherry for 26 years.

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